Verification of Affidavit
- Original Affidavit File.
- Verification Form.
- 1 x Seller CNIC.
- 1x Buyer CNIC.
- 1 x Witness CNIC.
- Property dealer details (Name, Company Stamp) If Applicable.
- Paid Challan of verification charges (3,000) voucher will generate in Land Directorate.
- Filled verification form will be submitted in Land Dte.
- Land Directorate staff will generate voucher against file number mentioned in form.
- Paid Challan along with original affidavit file will be submitted for verification.
- The file will be checked for necessary details and security features and stamped/signed as verified (in red colour) on reverse side by the authorized officer.
- Serial number of verification and date will also be endorsed on the file.
- In case, the file is found to be unverified (counterfeited/ tampered / damage beyond veracity etc.) the matter will be referred to legal Directorate in presence of the holder of the file for further disposal.
- The process will be completed in presence of the possessor without any unnecessary delay and will not be retained by the land directorate in any case.

Instructions / Guidelines
- All photographs and photocopies of CNIC being submitted at various steps must be attested by the Oath Commissioner.
- All affidavits / Stamp Papers must be registered with authorized Stamp Vendor and attested by the Oath Commissioner.
- All documents including Land Offer Form, Affidavit, Undertaking, Certificate, Agreement, Sales Deed (Registry), Indemnity Bond etc will be written strictly in accordance with the latest specimens received from Land Directorate of DHAQ.
- Prior to filling / preparing any documents, necessary guidelines / instructions must be sought from concerned staff.
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