- 3 x Photographs duly attested by Notary Public.
- 3 x copies of valid CNIC duly attested by Notary Public.
- Fresh "Fard Malkiyat" (not older than 15 days).
- Copies of Inteqal/ Khatooni duly attested by Tehsil Office.
- Field Book duly attested by Tehsil Office.
- NEC (Non-Encumbrance Certificate) from Tehsil Office.
- Aks Shajra duly attested by Tehsil Office..
- LP/ LO Agreement (1 x Stamp Paper of Rs 1000).
- For Indemnity Bond (5 x Stamp Papers of 100 Rs - each LO).
- Affidavit on 100 Rs Stamp Paper duly signed by LO.
- Undertaking on 100 Rs Stamp Paper duly signed by LO/ LP.
- NDC (No Demand Certificate).

Instructions / Guidelines
- All photographs and photocopies of CNIC being submitted at various steps must be attested by the Oath Commissioner.
- All affidavits / Stamp Papers must be registered with authorized Stamp Vendor and attested by the Oath Commissioner.
- All documents including Land Offer Form, Affidavit, Undertaking, Certificate, Agreement, Sales Deed (Registry), Indemnity Bond etc will be written strictly in accordance with the latest specimens received from Land Directorate of DHAQ.
- Prior to filling / preparing any documents, necessary guidelines / instructions must be sought from concerned staff.
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