Customer is required to fill in the NDC Application Form available at DHAQ Website. This Application is submitted to Head Office or Regional Office.
- Customer ensure the following while submitting the Application Payment of NDC ( Voucher needs to be attached).Based on category on Files, the required documents.
- Above documents are reviewed at Head Office level, In case there is additional requirement Customer is informed accordingly by NDC Team.
- Normal NDC clearness will be made in 2-3 working days once completeness accepted by NDC section.
- Urgent NDC clearness will be within 8 hours once completeness is accepted by NDC section.
- Approved NDC Certificate provided to the customer on given Email Address or Customer may collect NDC Certificate from Head Office/Regional offices.
- In case of any query kindly contact Customer Support Cell (+92-81-2864446-7) or Email address( ndc.finance@dhaquetta.org).
Allocation File/A-6
- Allocation File/A-6
- NDC Form.
- NDC Fee Voucher.
- Allocation Letter (Copy).
- All Instalments Vouchers (Development Charges) paid till date for A 6 files only.
- Active membership number.
- Early Bird File
- NDC Form.
- NDC Fee Voucher.
- Allotment Letter (Copy).
- Full Payment Voucher (Copy).
- Feature Plot Payment Voucher (Copy).
- Active membership number.
- 5 Marla Marketing File
- NDC Form.
- NDC Fee Voucher.
- Allotment Letter (Copy).
- Full Payment Voucher (Copy).
- Feature Plot Payment Voucher (Copy).
- All Instalments Vouchers (Development Charges) paid till date.
- Feature Plot Payment Voucher (Copy) - In case of 5 Marla plot fully paid.
- Active membership number.
- Public Ballot
- NDC Form.
- NDC Fee Voucher.
- Allocation Letter (Copy).
- Trustee Fee Voucher (Ameen Case only).
- All Vouchers of Down Payments + Instalments Paid till date .
- Active membership number.
- Service Benefits
- NDC Form.
- NDC Fee Voucher.
- Allocation Letter (Copy).
- Allocation Fee Voucher (Copy).
- All Vouchers of Instalments Paid till date.
- NOC from GHQ (Copy).
- Payment Schedule.
- Active membership number.
- Early Bird Com File
- NDC Form.
- NDC Fee Voucher.
- Allocation Letter (Copy).
- All Vouchers of Instalments Paid till date.
- Active membership number.

Instructions / Guidelines
- All photographs and photocopies of CNIC being submitted at various steps must be attested by the Oath Commissioner.
- All affidavits / Stamp Papers must be registered with authorized Stamp Vendor and attested by the Oath Commissioner.
- All documents including Land Offer Form, Affidavit, Undertaking, Certificate, Agreement, Sales Deed (Registry), Indemnity Bond etc will be written strictly in accordance with the latest specimens received from Land Directorate of DHAQ.
- Prior to filling / preparing any documents, necessary guidelines / instructions must be sought from concerned staff.
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