Issuance of Intimation Letter
Documents Required
Filled One window form for issue of IL along with Original Affidavit file bearing details of Nominee/ purchaser in respect of whom IL is required to be issued will be submitted though customer facilitation office or directly with Land Directorate. Following documents will be attached: -
- Filled One window form for IL/ Allocation/ Membership.
- 1x Fresh Photograph.
- 1 x copy of CNIC (Expiry Min one month).
- 1 x copy of NOK CNIC.
- Customer / LP Fill One window Form & Affidavit file.
In case owner is unable to come for intimation of Open Affidavit file, an Authority Letter / Power of Attorney printed on 50 Rupee stamp paper duly attested by notary public, showing that he / she wishes to authorized another person for Open Affidavit File deposit.
Issuance of Intimation Letter
On receipt of complete documents, Land Directorate staff will:-
- Check for correctness and tally details (including spellings) provided on Affidavit File, One window Form and CNIC.
- Check validity of CNIC (should be valid for at least 15 days).
- Get the Affidavit File verified / stamped from Manager IL.
- Issue Voucher’s to the Customer.
- In case, the file is found to be unverified (counterfeited/ tempered/ damaged beyond veracity etc) the file will not be accepted and matter will be referred to Legal directorate in presence of the holder of the file for further disposal.
- Manager/DD Land will sign the IL, affix Embossed Stamp and cancel the Affidavit File.
- Original IL, along with form, photograph and CNICs of the Customer, will be forwarded to Transfer & Record Directorate.

Instructions / Guidelines
- All photographs and photocopies of CNIC being submitted at various steps must be attested by the Oath Commissioner.
- All affidavits / Stamp Papers must be registered with authorized Stamp Vendor and attested by the Oath Commissioner.
- All documents including Land Offer Form, Affidavit, Undertaking, Certificate, Agreement, Sales Deed (Registry), Indemnity Bond etc will be written strictly in accordance with the latest specimens received from Land Directorate of DHAQ.
- Prior to filling / preparing any documents, necessary guidelines / instructions must be sought from concerned staff.
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